Visual Basic Source Code
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BASIC Source File
289 lines
DefInt A-Z
Option Explicit
Option Compare Text
Type Contact
Salutation As String * 10
LastName As String * 30
FirstName As String * 20
Company As String * 30
Title As String * 30
Address_1 As String * 30
Address_2 As String * 30
City As String * 30
State As String * 30
ZipCode As String * 10
Country As String * 30
Phone As String * 15
Extension As String * 10
Fax As String * 15
EMail As String * 30
Link As Long
End Type
Type ContactIndex
sKey As String * 50
lRecNo As Long
End Type
Type Comment
Text As String * 252
lRecNo As Long
End Type
'Handles for data, comment
' and index files
Global hDat As Integer
Global hCmt As Integer
Global hIdx As Integer
Global sNull As String
Declare Function llseek Lib "Kernel" Alias "_llseek" (ByVal hFile As Integer, ByVal lOffset As Long, ByVal iOrigin As Integer) As Long
Declare Function lread Lib "Kernel" Alias "_lread" (ByVal hFile As Integer, lpBuffer As Any, ByVal wBytes As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function lwrite Lib "Kernel" Alias "_lwrite" (ByVal hFile As Integer, lpBuffer As Any, ByVal wBytes As Integer) As Integer
Function AppPath$ ()
Static sPath As String
'Just do this once
If Len(sPath) = 0 Then
sPath = App.Path
If Asc(Right$(sPath, 1)) <> 92 Then
sPath = sPath & "\"
End If
End If
AppPath$ = sPath
End Function
Sub CommentDelete (lRecNo As Long)
Dim udtComment As Comment
'See comments in ContactDelete
Get hCmt, 1, udtComment
If udtComment.lRecNo = 0 Then
udtComment.lRecNo = -lRecNo
End If
Put hCmt, lRecNo, udtComment
udtComment.lRecNo = -lRecNo
Put hCmt, 1, udtComment
End Sub
Sub ContactDelete (lRecNo As Long)
Dim udtIndex As ContactIndex
Dim udtContact As Contact
'Examine header record. If its record pointer
' is zero, set deleted record to point to itself.
' Otherwise, copy header rec to lRecNo (negative
' lRecNo indicates a deleted record)
Get hIdx, lRecNo, udtIndex
Get hDat, 1, udtContact
If udtContact.Link = 0 Then
udtContact.Link = -udtIndex.lRecNo
End If
Put hDat, udtIndex.lRecNo, udtContact
'Set header to point to lRecNo
udtContact.Link = -udtIndex.lRecNo
Put hDat, 1, udtContact
End Sub
Function FileOpen (sFileName As String, iRecLen As Integer)
Dim iHandle As Integer
Dim sTemp As String
Dim udtIndex As ContactIndex
iHandle = FreeFile
Open sFileName For Random Shared As iHandle Len = iRecLen
'If we're not opening the index...
If iRecLen <> Len(udtIndex) Then
'Create header record if none exists
If LOF(iHandle) = 0 Then
sTemp = String$(iRecLen - 2, 0)
Put iHandle, 1, sTemp
End If
End If
FileOpen = iHandle
End Function
Function FreeComment& (hFile As Integer)
Dim lRecNo As Long
Dim udtComment As Comment
'Get pointer to next free record
Get hFile, 1, udtComment
'If it's not zero...
If udtComment.lRecNo Then
lRecNo = Abs(udtComment.lRecNo)
'Get that record's pointer
Get hFile, lRecNo, udtComment
' and save it in rec #1
Put hFile, 1, udtComment
'Extend file
lRecNo = LOF(hFile) \ Len(udtComment) + 1
End If
FreeComment& = lRecNo
End Function
Function FreeContact& (hFile As Integer)
Dim lRecNo As Long
Dim udtContact As Contact
'Get pointer to next free record
Get hFile, 1, udtContact
'If it's not zero...
If udtContact.Link Then
lRecNo = Abs(udtContact.Link)
'Get that record's pointer
Get hFile, lRecNo, udtContact
'and save it in rec #1
Put hFile, 1, udtContact
'Extend file
lRecNo = LOF(hFile) \ Len(udtContact) + 1
End If
FreeContact& = lRecNo
End Function
Sub IndexDelete (lRecNo As Long)
Dim hDOS As Integer
Dim iLen As Integer
Dim nBytes As Integer
Dim lPos As Long
Dim lRecs As Long
Dim udtIndex As ContactIndex
iLen = Len(udtIndex)
lRecs = LOF(hIdx) \ iLen
hDOS = FileAttr(hIdx, 2)
If lRecNo < lRecs Then
'Dim an array large enough to contain all
' index entries following lRecNo
ReDim udtIdxArray(1 To (lRecs - lRecNo)) As ContactIndex
'Use API calls to fill array
lPos = llseek(hDOS, (iLen * lRecNo), 0)
nBytes = lread(hDOS, udtIdxArray(1), UBound(udtIdxArray) * iLen)
'Move file pointer up one record
lPos = llseek(hDOS, (lPos - iLen), 0)
'Write array contents
nBytes = lwrite(hDOS, udtIdxArray(1), UBound(udtIdxArray) * iLen)
End If
'Seek to LOF - 1
lPos = llseek(hDOS, (LOF(hIdx) - iLen), 0)
'Write zero bytes to truncate file
nBytes = lwrite(hDOS, ByVal sNull$, 0)
End Sub
Sub IndexInsert (udtIndex As ContactIndex)
Dim hDOS As Integer
Dim iLen As Integer
Dim nBytes As Integer
Dim lPos As Long
Dim lRecNo As Long
Dim lRecs As Long
Dim udtTemp As ContactIndex
iLen = Len(udtIndex)
lRecs = LOF(hIdx) \ iLen
If lRecs Then
'Find first index entry greater than
' insertion key (okay, I know a loop
' is low-tech; whaddya want for free?!)
For lRecNo = 1 To lRecs
Get hIdx, lRecNo, udtTemp
If udtTemp.sKey > udtIndex.sKey Then
Exit For
End If
'If we need to insert our entry somewhere before
' the end, copy a block of records down one position
' (see comments in IndexDelete for details)
If lRecNo <= lRecs Then
hDOS = FileAttr(hIdx, 2)
ReDim udtIdxArray(1 To (lRecs - lRecNo + 1)) As ContactIndex
lPos = llseek(hDOS, (iLen * (lRecNo - 1)), 0)
nBytes = lread(hDOS, udtIdxArray(1), UBound(udtIdxArray) * iLen)
lPos = llseek(hDOS, (lPos + iLen), 0)
nBytes = lwrite(hDOS, udtIdxArray(1), UBound(udtIdxArray) * iLen)
End If
lRecNo = 1
End If
'lRecNo will point past end of file if
' udtIndex.sKey is greater than all
' existing keys
Put hIdx, lRecNo, udtIndex
End Sub
Sub IndexRebuild ()
Dim I As Integer
Dim udtContact As Contact
Dim udtIndex As ContactIndex
Kill AppPath$() & "contacts.idx"
hDat = FileOpen(AppPath$() & "contacts.dat", Len(udtContact))
hIdx = FileOpen(AppPath$() & "contacts.idx", Len(udtIndex))
For I = 2 To LOF(hDat) \ Len(udtContact)
Get hDat, I, udtContact
If udtContact.Link >= 0 Then
udtIndex.sKey = udtContact.LastName & udtContact.FirstName
udtIndex.lRecNo = I
Call IndexInsert(udtIndex)
End If
End Sub
Function IndexSearch (sTarget As String)
Dim I As Integer
Dim iLen As Integer
Dim iMin As Integer
Dim iMax As Integer
Dim iResult As Integer
Dim udtIndex As ContactIndex
'Perform case-insensitive binary search
' for sTarget
iMin = 1
iMax = LOF(hIdx) \ Len(udtIndex)
iLen = Len(sTarget)
I = (iMin + iMax) \ 2
Get hIdx, I, udtIndex
'Only as many characters of sKey as
' sTarget is long
If Left$(udtIndex.sKey, iLen) = sTarget Then
iResult = I
Exit Do
ElseIf udtIndex.sKey > sTarget Then
iMax = I - 1
iMin = I + 1
End If
Loop While iMax >= iMin
'Return location (or zero if not found)
IndexSearch = iResult
End Function